Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Palm Announces New Device and OS

Palm announced its new Pre handset which is to use its new "webOS," which was formerly referred to as Nova OS.  It's a multi-tasking capable Linux OS with more of a focus on web applications as opposed to native applications.  This puts Palm into a strategy it believes will be vital to its success - controlling both the device and OS.  This is what Palm used to do with PDAs back in its heyday, and what Apple and RIM do right now.  Its "Pre" device looks highly appealing, with software features that include the ability to bridge common data across applications.  This allows the applications to have more synergy - a word Palm repeated throughout its announcement.  This is a product that could keep Palm relevant.  The only question is - will Palm keep webOS as a part of its closed system strategy, or will it commercialize it and license it to other device vendors?  My guess is that it will keep its new OS for itself.

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